Have you ever wondered why our place amongst Odyssey’s top sites seem to wither while our leaders do nothing? Have you wondered where the money goes after the elections are done? Have you ever been curious as to why nothing we say or do tends to increase activity?

Hi, this is Simply Dredge, director of the Odyssey Ypiresian Party, and I wondered about that as well. Which is why this party intends to put forwards different candidates. Our candidates will have a firm focus on transparency, site improvement in key areas, and unifying the ToO in many key areas.

This party will work with election comissioners to change the system so we can have more than just boring single-party elections. And guess what? We also will create new and exciting events that keep you interested and invigorated while you’re on the ToO!

Donate to this party today! Together we can start something new! Together we can Face the New Horizon!